The Purpose of the Workshop:
Intervention/prevention studies have been rising recently targeting the prevention of social and psychological problems, promoting strengths in children and adolescents and improving the wellbeing of people. In order to provide an integrated understanding in intervention/prevention studies, TED University is organizing a two-day workshop which will be run by Metin Özdemir (Ph.D) and Hakan Stattin (Professor) from Centre for Developmental Research, University of Örebro, Sweden. This workshop may be of interest to anyone who is interested in psycho-social programs such as graduate students, practitioners and researchers from various disciplines (Psychology, Counselling, Educational Sciences, Public Health, Social Work etc.)
The workshop language is English and the certificate of participation will be presented.
Date: 10-11 March 2016, 9:30-16:30;
Workshop venue: TED University, Room 141
Ziya Gökalp Caddesi No.48
06420, Kolej Ankara Turkey
Workshop Program:
10 March 2016
1. Approaches for prevention/intervention
2. Evidence based programs,
3. Risk and protective factors
4. Program development, adaptation, implementation processes
11 March 2016
1. Evaluation of Program Outcomes,
2. Program processes,
3. Moderators for Program
4. Reporting of the Evaluation
For accommodation Holiday Inn Ankara-Kavaklıdere is suggested (
Fee: 275 TL. (85 Euros)
For Registration: Registration fee should be transferred to (275 TL “TR34 0013 4000 0078 4412 8000 01” or 85 Euros “TR50 0013 4000 0078 4412 8000 04”) TED University Account until 17:00 on 26 February, 2016. The bank receipt and registration form should be e-mailed to or faxed +90 312 418 4148. Mail order form can also be demanded. Please also accompany the copy of ID card.
Please direct any queries about the event to